Thursday, July 26, 2012

Large Wooden French Rosary

While listening to the much needed rain patter on the rooftop this afternoon,
(after a morning of making a couple dozen pints of dill pickles 
and bread & butter pickles with The Husband)
I played with some beads.
Big beads.
Big wooden beads.

After swooning for many months over the oversize wooden rosaries I've seen on many beautiful blogs,
(I love the natural, rustic, inspiring statement they make in a room)
Source:  Simply Me
Source: Rachel Ashwell

and knowing that I would get the hairy eyeball from The Husband 
if I shelled out the $100+ to buy one,
I dove right in and tried my hand at making one.
I thought, 
"Why not?" 
 If it didn't work out, I could just donate the beads to my church's pre-school or something.

After an hour (or two) in Hobby Lobby yesterday,
I filled my basket with these goodies.
Beads with large holes...

beads with small holes...

oblong beads, a little pine plaque, and leather cording.

(Side note: Do you realize that they're putting out Christmas items in stores already?
What in the world....?)

Anyway, I asked The Husband for some help because unbeknown to me,
the beads had a hole on only ONE side.
In my excitement at finding them, I failed to look at both sides in the little bags.

But he fixed me up right away with the drill press.

Yes, my friends ~

Can I get a lady-like grunt here....???

I drilled a hole through each and every bead which took me about an hour.
I'd definitely use that drill press again after getting the hang of it.
It brought back memories of seventh grade shop class.  :)
 The Husband is a retired "shop" (Industrial Arts) instructor, so I had a great mini-refresher course in his work room.

Sheer and utter concentration because I didn't want to drill a hole in my hand!

While I was drilling one little hole after another,
The Husband helped out by cutting out the rustic cross for me.
A little sanding of the edges, and I was ready to rock and roll with this project.
I didn't change the color of the wood.
I liked it's light, natural color.

Knot, bead, bead, bead, bead, bead, knot, bead, bead bead, knot...

After a couple hours, my new shabby chic inspired wooden French rosary was completed ~
all for under $25.

~  Blessings ~

Linking to the parties on the lower right of my sidebar.
Just click on the buttons for more creative ideas!


  1. Oh yeah, power tools rock. Nice job, Laurie. Your a woman after my own heart.

  2. Laurie you did so good !!! I love how it came out ! I agree with Rosemary :)

  3. Amazing, your rosary looks even better...
    Praying the rosary is also amazing, reflecting on the life of Christ...
    Blessings Lori~

  4. Beautiful rosary, Laurie. Hobby Lobby is a great store, closest one to me is 90 minutes. I would be humbled if I walked into anyone's home and saw these rosary beads. xo

  5. Wow!!! great job on the rosary, Laurie! looks just like the original one!!
    Rog did a good job on the cross, too!

  6. Absolutely beautiful rosary! I would love one, but I don't own a drill press :( A large one like this would definitely remind me to pray it more often! Nice job.

  7. You did a wonderful job! Love that you made one yourself instead of buying one. So special.

  8. Laurie,
    Your rosary is great!!! As a matter of fact it is fantastic!
    Have a nice evening,

  9. You and I sure think alike. When I saw Rachel's rosary, I thought the same thing...that it wouldn't be too hard to make and for a lot less money. I never got around to making one Yours turned out beautiful!!

  10. Oh- I love a drill press. I haven't used ours in a long time! Great idea, Laurie- xo Diana

  11. Wow, Laurie, what a treasure to have a drill press and a husband with shop skills. I love that you got this idea and went with it. Nicely done!

  12. Laurie, this is truly beautiful! now you know why they cost more than 100 dollars, hmmmm? so nice having your own shop man around the house, and he even helped you make pickles, yummy!

  13. Your rosary turned out great!!
    Yes...I saw that our Hobby Lobby had Christmas stuff does seem crazy!!! Hard to look at Christmas decor when it feels like 105 outside.

  14. ♥ how this turned out...great job!!! And it looks perfect hanging from your shutter:-)


  15. Laurie,
    I love the rusticy ness of those too. I saw a big bag of beads like these in a thrift store a few months back and i almost took them.. I just wasnt sure of what i could put instead of a cross (i have a wierd thing about them). But i just thought of something i could use instead; beads would be long gone now tho!!! You must have been a little miffed to see they only had holes in one side!!! But great that you got to learn a new skill!!! they look amazing now!!
    Laura xxx

  16. Hi Laurie! Beautiful DIY chaine! Love your living room! Enjoy summer, hug, Barbara

  17. glad to see someone finally made their own, and grateful to you for showing us how you did it. I can't believe those beads didn't have holes through the bead? what in tarnation are they for then?? scratching my head. Beautiful. and it must be more rewarding than just buying some, yes? I love making all my own things...beautiful job!

  18. Beautiful rosary much you succeeded ! I also like the rosary on other blogs , I must also try to do it , maybe I will and will just as beautiful as yours ! Greetings !

  19. So beautiful--and doesn't it make you feel good that you made it yourself!

  20. Hi Laurie! I love your rosary! Do you know how to pray it? You might be surprised to hear I was confirmed in the Catholic Church this year!
    You are so talented, you could sell those for sure. I'm left wondering why the beads weren't sold with holes all the way through them?!...
    p.s. your hair is beautiful too!

  21. Hi Laurie - what a terrific idea! I've seen these all over blogland and was wondering where to get them. Now I know I can make my own. Fabulous.

  22. Good morning Laurie!
    Can I say D I T T O !!
    Hahahah I have thinking the same thing for the past few days! I even asked my sister who does bead work with jewelry to see if she could make this for me.
    I know they are so beautiful but pricey. She sent me some links online to try to find some beads etc to make one.
    Yours is beautiful.... and look at you working away at creating this "stunner"! and hubby did an excellent is so gorgeous!
    Love this and thanks for sharing. We don't have a Hobby Lobby in Canada but I'm going to check around for these wooden beads.
    Have a great weekend!

    Deborah xoxo

  23. It's beautiful, Laurie! Do you know how many beads you used? I saw a bowl full of those beads at the Habitat ReStore- hmm, may need to go back and get them.

  24. Love that rosery.....enjoy a happy

  25. Look at cute you at that drill machine! How I admire your vision, patience and attention to detail when doing a project like this, Laurie.
    The Rosary looks absolutely beautiful - well done!

  26. Love the Rosary you made. The drill press reminds me of shop class as well. I think yours turned out as nice as the Rachel Ashwell one. I think I have to go look for some wood beads.

  27. Beautiful! I love the way it looks against your shutter.

  28. wonderful, laurie! (i love using my husbands tools, too:) happy weekend!

  29. Laurie,
    Darling, you ROCK!!!...or is that you BEAD!!! Whatever, your Rosary is lovely! God is so~o~o good to give us amazing husbands! Even after the "rolled eyes" look they (usually) pitch right in and give us a hand! Adore that your Mister even helped make pickles!!! Have a wonderful weekend, dear friend!

  30. Yes, I remember Shop Class! :) Thank you so much for linking this up to Rustic Restorations Weekend!

  31. SO clever of you to make this. I could lie and tell you I'll try making it myself...haha but I know it will just have to go on the list!!! maybe in the winter)


  32. genius, laurie! i think it is fabulous.

    if you decide to make more and sell, send me a link so i can buy!

    happy weekend.


  33. AWESOME! I wanted one of those too, and couldn't afford the price... hmmmm, need to figure out how to drill the holes.... smile


  34. FABULOUS Laurie!!!~ You did an awesome job! And I love your photos!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend my friend.

  35. I would love to have a drill press, but have to use a hand drill for this kind of stuff- and I have never, ever drilled a hole in my hand!
    I love your finished project. I think if you waxed the beads and crosses before you put them together, it would look vintagey.
    I love the look of them, too, but who is going to pay $100 for them? Crazy people- not when you can make them yourself. Good thing your hubby is handy for something, isn't it? LOL
    So glad you got some rain! Yippee for you! Still waiting here.
    Have a fun weekend and keep making those- you know, for resale in your booth.
    You'll make a fortune.
    PS- I always started on Christmas on the 4th of July to be ready by fall. You have to have your booth stocked by the first of October to make any money on Christmas stuff. Its really hard to paint snowmen when it 90+ out there, but you just crank up the central air, put on a sweater and crank up the carols. LOL

  36. You go girl...use those power tools! My girl was watching over my shoulder and she was IMPRESSED!

  37. Beautiful Laurie! Being raised Catholic i have a strong appreciation for rosaries! Maybe when i go back home next month i can convince my mom to give up my Italian grandmother's beautiful wooden rosary!!
    I love your photos!!
    Pamela xo

  38. hah I had to laugh at you at the drill press! YOu are one determined go getter~I think it came out fantastic!! xo

  39. This brought back some fond memories of junior high shop class! I made my mom a key shaped keyholder and a spice rack...she was probably horrified having to hang them on her kitchen wall:)

    Your Rosary is beautiful, much prettier than a purchased one:) I just bought a glass bead one off Etsy, it's very small though.

  40. How clever! And what a beautiful job you did! It looks lovely displayed with your things. That last shot is such a beauty!

  41. You are amazing Laurie (and so cute at work)!
    I love it!!

  42. Amazing - and how clever, really. You look really good at the drill press. So glad you shared your creative inspiration with Sunday’s Best – your creativity helped make the party a success!

  43. Wow! you are amazing. Love the wooden rosary. It's great that our dh's have these great tools on hand.

  44. Oh Laurie that is incredible...I just love it! You should sell them..I would buy one! x0

  45. Oh girl you look right at home there with that drill press. Love it on the blue shutter. Always love to see you at Share Your Cup.

  46. I love how this turned out, Laurie! Love that you got your inspiration and did it yourself, too! Way to go!! Hope you're having a great week! Things here are busy but great!
    Hugs and joy to you, sweetie! You're a delight!

  47. Love this. You are so crative and good with that drill press.


  48. Laurie, Thanks so much for sharing this inspirational post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. I love how you put all the special materials together and make the most original cross I've seen. Love it!


  49. I am new to your blog, and I must say this is a very inspiring start. Your rosary came out BEAUTIFUL and what is even better is you made it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  50. Too funny! Our drillpress is the same one and mine sits right next to the garage door...I swear if it wasn't for the fact that you're much cuter and skinnier and blonder than me...we could take the exact same picture! I LOVE the drill press....never another crooked hole...ever...I also love my band you?

  51. I love this! Love the way it looks hanging there. Great job. I love my drill press. It makes life so much easier when building things because you know the hole is going in and coming out on the other side exactly where you want it to! I think I might just have to copy you! Thanks for sharing at the All Star Block Party.


  52. Hi Laurie,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog because I now have found your beautiful blog. Ohhhhhh love your very pretty home. Just too pretty. Love Love Love it all.

  53. Such a smart idea! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!

  54. Looks great. Thanks for showing us pictures of this tutorial. I love it. I'm so glad you linked up at Romance on a dime's TIOT party!!

  55. Laurie,
    Beautiful Rosary!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!

  56. Can not get much more soulful than this. Beautiful! ~ Rose

  57. Hey that Rosary looks great! and just so inspiring! so enjoyed your blog about putting the ruffled bed skirt on the bed - you had me laughing. don't cats just so love fresh bed linen and don't they always plonk down right in the middle of a freshly made bed?

  58. Laurie, with your permission, I'd love to post a photo and link back to this post on my blog! Can you get back to me and let me know if this is ok?

  59. So that's how it's done!! Lovely Laurie. I'm so impressed that you have power tools AND know how to use them! LOL! xoxo ~Lili

  60. Can you sell one to this reader of yours?

  61. WOW...AHHHHmazing rosary! Reminds me of being little and on my Italian grand mothers lap learning to pray... Please be so kind and tell me what size beads you used? I want to try my hands at making one as well.. :) Love your home! <3 Thank you and blessings,

  62. Why beads with different size holes?


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