they play a huge part in our life.
They conjure up memories of people, places, and things in our past.
They embrace us, emotionally heal us, bring us joy.
They are part of what defines us.
A part of who we are.
The saltiness of the ocean brings me back to vacations at the beach.
The earthy freshness of cut grass reminds me of my dad teaching me how to mow the lawn when I was a young girl.
The scent of lilacs makes me feel my mom's warm embrace.
The popcorn smell of my Maizie's furry feet makes me smile.
Scents were one of the reasons why my curiosity got the best of me, when at the gentle nudging of a couple close girlfriends, I ordered some essential oils to try.
I couldn't wait to start diffusing and filling my home with beautiful fragrances that were more clean and natural than the chemical filled plug-ins that I had been using for years.
But then.....
I started reading.
A lot.
The more I read about the oils and the more testimonies I heard about their healing properties,
the more intrigued and committed I became.
Was it just my boho-hippy soul that was being awaken?
It was deeper than that.
It was a calling to my spiritual heart.
It was a spiritual re-awakening.
I bought an essential oils reference book.
I also bought a book called "Healing Oils of the Bible".
I found myself soaking up every bit of information in them that I could.
As I began reading and learning and educating myself, something turned in my soul.
I realized that as each oil drop soaked into my skin and sank into my cells,
they contained life force and energy that can indeed bring healing.
They were a healing gift from God.
"When God created the plants by his speaking voice, he imbued them with his Word and his intelligence. This includes the oils of the plants which he intended, from their very creation, to become our medicines when we need healing. This is what is so special about essential oils. They contain power from God's Word. Essential oils are divinely ordained as medicines for God's children and are meant to be used with God's guidance, accompanied by prayer."
~excerpt from "Healing Oils of the Bible" by David Stewart
Now, I've always been a bit of a slacker when starting my day out with prayer.
The best time for me to pray is when I'm driving someplace because it's just God and me in the car.
I can talk with him endlessly there.
Or when in church because I'm in his house....his sanctuary...
and I feel his Presence and reverence so tangibly there.
But applying these oils every morning upon rising
seem to bring me into instant communication with Him.
The scents remind me of him somehow.
I feel him.
I smell his comforting Goodness.
I feel grounded and focused and close to him ~
and at this point in my life, I desperately need that.
When I catch the scents on me during the day,
I'm instantly brought back into his Presence.
I actually find myself praying more,
whispering names of people who need him and his healing touch;
lifting up my worries and fears to him;
thanking him in endless gratitude for the blessings he's poured over me.
I feel blessed in a way I can't even describe.
The media brings us news of viruses and epidemics circling the globe and entering our lives at an alarming rate. It's a frightening realization how fragile we humans are.
So, in response....I oil and diffuse.
Not only in an attempt to bring myself closer to God than ever before where I feel safe and secure ~
but to fill my body with clean, natural, immune boosting strength
to ward off the evils of the world around me.
I use his oils to protect.
"...Their fruit will be for meat and their leaves for healing..."
~Ezekiel 47:12
Every day begins with Joy spread over my heart.
Valor is swiped at the back of my neck.
EndoFlex stroked on my throat.
Thieves rolled on my feet.
PanAway for any pains.
Lavender to soothe and calm.
Patchouli on my wrists...just because my boho heart loves the scent.
I keep Lemon, Tangerine, Peppermint, and Ocotea
in a jar in my pantry to drip into my glasses of water during the day.
Thieves is diffused throughout our bedroom each night to clean the air of germs.
It was tested to contain potent antimicrobial properties and can kill 99.96% of airborne bacteria.
"When we use antibiotics to overcome a bacterial infection, we are left in a weakened state. Our immune systems have been compromised. Until we can re-establish a new culture of friendly bacteria into our bodies, we are more susceptible to to the next illness that might come along. When we use oils to fight bad bacteria, our systems come out stronger. Our immune systems have been strengthened. Our beneficial bacteria have been untouched. We are better able to deal with the next barrage of disease-causing germs that come along."
~ excerpt from "Healing Oils of the Bible"
I quickly learned this while watching my mother fight off C-Diff more than once this past winter. Each round of antibiotics weakened her system, and C-Diff would return to badger her frail body time and time again.
I wish I had known about these healing oils back in January.
God's healing gift supports us in so many ways.
As fighters against unfriendly microbes
As balancers of bodily functions
As raisers of our bodily frequencies
As antioxidants that purify our systems
As clearers of negative emotional baggage
As uplifters of our spiritual awareness
"The leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."
~Revelation 22:2
I am a believer.
In God and in the Trinity.
I also believe in his healing oils that he gifted to us as "a fragrant offering", as "an acceptable gift", and as "pleasing to Him".
I read that there are over 900 references of essential oils in the Bible.
The three wise men brought frankincense and myrrh to baby Jesus,
and myrrh was one of the first and last oils received by Christ.
Mary and Joseph would have known that frankincense oil was good for anything from cuts and bruises to the common cold. They would use it through Jesus' infancy to help protect him and keep him strong and healthy.
"Oil of joy", "oil of gladness", and "ointments rejoice the heart" are all referenced in the Bible
in books like Psalms, Proverbs, Isaiah, Hebrews, Mark, and James.
"Precious treasure and oil remain in the house of the wise."
~Proverbs 21:20
The ancient people of the Holy Land
understood this quite well. They used aromatic oils to maintain
wellness, for physical healing, to enhance their spirituality in
worship, for emotional cleansing, and for purification from sin.
And in peace, joy, and gratitude ~
I accept this healing gift,
and will do the same.
~ Eucharisteo ~

Contact me if you're interested in learning more about these life changing oils!