I know you all have been waiting for this post,
so there are a few more photos than normal.....
but SO worth a few extra minutes of your time,
I promise!
You're going to want to savor each and every one.
So, I'll wait while you go grab your second cup of java
(or depending on the time of day....a glass of wine)...
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *
Put your feet up.
Take a sip,
and think back to these Pottery Barn curtains from my
last post.
(Not the pretty lavender floral ones on the left.
The plain linen ones to the right.)
They were temporary replacements for the ugly, plastic accordion thingamajig I dismantled last winter
that originally served as the door to our guest room closet.
Welllllllllll........after once again being awestruck and inspired and totally in love with ANOTHER creative idea from my friend
I copied her.
(head hanging low)
I did.....
(head hanging even lower)
Seriously, I can't help myself.
In my own defense, it seems that every time I turn around, she's creating vignettes in her beautiful home that make my heart pound and that little voice in my head say,
"I NEED to do that!"
(I'm assuming that you all have a little voice in your head, too?
Please don't tell me I'm alone in this.)
So, I'm giving all the credit to her.
(And saving a bit for my husband, too,
since he did most of the labor on our little project.
After scrounging through scrap wood planks in the loft in our barn and throwing them down to the main floor,
we gathered them up,
and marched them down to The Husband's workshop.
Yes, that wood is sitting on our second rustic prairie table (read about it here) we just built that I need to paint and stain yet. It will probably end up in my booth at Doster Emporium. |
He got busy measuring and cutting...
and gluing...
and nailing...
(Now....don't get ahead of the story here. Stay with me.)
he began to create my vision.
I was beyond happy.
Raring to go with my magic paint brush.
Ready to make it all shabby chic and pretty...and barn-y.
After a coat of primer, two coats of flat latex paint,
and 12 hours of both of asking each other,
"Do you think they're dry yet....?",
we lugged my vision upstairs.
Here is what you see upon entering the guest room.
I'm liking it a whole lot.
Before we continue,
go back up to the first photo and take another peek at it to refresh your memory.
I'll wait here for you...
This is what you see NOW when you turn around.
Oh, yeah, baby!!
Are you squealing with glee?
Better than a plastic door or linen curtains, wouldn't you agree?
(Sorry. Didn't mean to Dr. Seuss it.)
Because this is such a tiny little room,
we had to get somewhat creative as far as hanging these barn doors.
We couldn't use the heavy, duty barn door trolley rails that I really wanted.
So, we installed two simple by-pass closet door track systems purchased at Home Depot
for about $15 each.
By the way, I had a distinct moment of pure genius while standing in Home Depot
(which I totally embraced, took advantage of, and bragged about all day long to The Husband
which resulted in numerous eye-rolling episodes).
I grabbed four large galvanized hinges,
had The Husband cut off the hinge part,
and screwed the remaining part at the top of the doors to give the illusion they were hanging from a barn door rail.
Yep, I can see you nodding your head and thinking,
"Genius idea!"
(And because I'm still in the bragging mode,
I give you my permission to steal my brilliant idea and use it for your own.)
We couldn't attach the door handles together in the center like I wanted, either,
because of the by-pass system.
So we installed them on each side instead.
I dug around in the basement and came up with a couple of old, black handles,
and swiped them with silver Rub-N-Buff
giving them a galvanized look.
A watercolor farm landscape my dad painted decades ago was pinned to the wall above
the dresser to complete the barn-like feel.
A second dream catcher was hung by the large one above the bed.
Lumber: free
Two By-Pass Track Systems: $30
Four galvanized hinges: $20
Hard working husband: free
Cost of my vision: priceless
I think I'll be sleeping in here tonight.
I want to open up my eyes in the morning to THIS.
(Hope The Husband's okay with that....)
And now I'm thinking that a set of those sweet, rustic doors would look pretty nice in here ~
our master bedroom
where I can wake up to them every single morning.
Just a set on the left side....?
Or replace all of the mirrored doors...?
the wheels are turning on how to coerce The Husband into going along with THIS new idea.
~ Blessings...and sweet dreams ~