I took the day off today to breathe.
Breathe in being a wife and exhale the stress that has entwined itself around my mind.
My body and mind needed it desperately.
If you follow me on Facebook, you know I've been driving two hours a day to spend the day with my mom who is now in a rehab center recovering from a recent stroke.
It's taking a toll not only on my poor old SUV
(which is having hiccup issues)
but on me, too.
I feel like I'm in the "Groundhog Day" movie;
getting up and doing the same thing over and over and over again,
day after day after day.
I'm not complaining.
Really, I'm not.
The hours spent with Mom are treasured and cherished.
I need to be there to relieve my Dad and support him.
But I'm feeling frustrated with the lack of improvement I see in my Mom.
I expected her to be walking again
and feeding herself
and in the least able to hold a partial conversation with me.
So, I wait.
I hold her hand and rub her back.
I talk to her and tell her I love her.
I comb her hair and put on her lipstick.
I pray constantly.
I beg.
I cajole.
I pray again.
And I wait for God to answer our prayers.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I was anxious to get my house back in order after Christmas.
So I spent the day decluttering, putting away Christmas decor,
cleaning, and refloofing ~
And just breathing in being a housewife for the day.
I love doing housework.
It relaxes me and I don't stress out over it.
I found some time to hang another little chandy, too.
This one's just for looks right now,
and doesn't work quite yet.
But at least it's out of the box it was sitting in on the floor in my office.
It did my heart good to dip into my bucket of inspiration
and create some new vignettes.
This darling little crown ring box filled with a couple tiny treasures
is one of many beautiful shabby chic Christmas gifts sent to me from my good friend and sister-in-Christ,
Stephanie at The Spanish Dahlia.
This old fruit drying crate was pulled from the abyss in my basement.
I've been wanting to use it in someway
but it continually stumped me
and I would find myself wandering blankly around the house with it.
Not quite sure it "feels" right yet, though.
This vignette may need a little reworking.
I moved to the kitchen and freshened up the table vignette.
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Blush pink roses drying on the pie safe,
will soon join the dried ones
on the other side of the kitchen.
I'm breathing easier now.
A little creativity does do the heart and mind good.
I'm ready to tackle another week, too.
Ready to spend it in grateful prayer at my mom's side.
To those of you who have been praying for my family,
I deeply thank you.
For those of you dealing with the same thing,
know that I am praying for you...
And may the new year bring you all an abundance of
answered prayer.
~ Blessings ~